Farm Archives - Modern Farmer
How are Tree Fruit Farmers Adapting to a Changing Climate?

“A lot of the Michigan growers have told us we probably couldn’t have picked a... (more)

Hollie Stephens
April 23, 2024
Swapping Seasons, Casting Shade: How Farmers Are Growing Food in the Fearsome...

When most people think about Phoenix, Arizona, they probably aren’t thinking about agriculture. The city—and... (more)

Callie Radke Stevens
February 19, 2024
Moving into the Agrihood

Outside of Charleston, South Carolina, in the picturesque marshes of the Kiawah River, sits more... (more)

Kirsten Lie-Nielsen
December 13, 2023
How Should Gene-Edited Seeds be Regulated?

In traditional plant breeding, the pollen of one plant is added to the pollen of... (more)

Jennifer Cole
October 26, 2023
Can the Heat from Running Computers Help Grow Our Food? It’s Complicated.

Digital technologies are changing how food is produced. And it’s more than harvesting robots that... (more)

Janna Frenzel and Sarah-Louise Ruder, The Conversation
March 31, 2023
How More Than a Century of Antarctic Agriculture Is Helping Scientists Grow...

Scientists just grew plants in soil from the moon, but the world's southernmost continent has... (more)

Daniella McCahey
May 24, 2022
Opinion: Cow’s Milk Without the Cow? How Cellular Agriculture Could Change the...

Technological changes that eliminate the need for livestock will likely disrupt the dairy industry as... (more)

Evan Bowness, Robert Newell and Sarah-Louise Ruder
February 27, 2022
Studying How Cotton Seedlings Grow in Zero Gravity

To better understand root systems on Earth, scientists sent 48 cotton seeds to grow on... (more)

Shea Swenson
February 24, 2022
The Future of Farming in Space

Why companies are looking beyond Earth for viable farmland.

Leah Garden
February 24, 2022