Farm Archives - Modern Farmer
Meet the Farmer Who Pivoted in Her Fifties From a Law Firm...

Tami Purdue didn’t grow up on a farm or have a background in growing food.... (more)

Lauren David
February 16, 2024
Three Takeaways from the USDA Census of Agriculture

Across the country, the US has lost both farms and farmland, according to the latest... (more)

Modern Farmer
February 14, 2024
Can Milk Be Climate-Neutral?

It’s a dietary staple—beloved in a morning latte, the ingredient that makes mashed potatoes oh... (more)

Bridget Shirvell
January 25, 2024
What Will Become of Rice?

In one of the greenhouses on the Lundberg Family Farms acreage in northern California, there... (more)

Emily Baron Cadloff
January 2, 2024
Meet the Refugee Farmers Raising the Crops of Their Homelands From Texas...

Krishna Bista grew up on a diversified farm in her native Bhutan, where her family... (more)

Laurel Miller
November 16, 2023
Meet the Virginia Retirees Making Sweet and Smoky Syrup from Fallen Bark

Enter just about any American supermarket and you’re bound to find a jug of maple... (more)

Elena Valeriote
October 20, 2023
Digging In: Why Don’t Americans Eat Mutton?

“Why can we only get lamb in the US, as opposed to mutton?” That’s what... (more)

Rose Garrett
September 21, 2023
Climate Disruptions Force Salt Farmers to Reimagine Their Businesses

Salt is all around us—inside our oceans, beneath our feet, on our roadways, in our... (more)

Gia Mora
May 22, 2023